
The Native Americans have orally passed down the ancient creation stories to their descendants  for generations.
Come out for this special night to hear a gifted Navaho story teller recount the Winter Stories of the Coyote.
Told through the swirling smoke of the campfires, he will weave together the ancient stories of the Old Ones.
Sometimes whimsical, sometimes thought provoking, always entertaining, learn how the Milky Way was formed, the coyote's  true nature, or how the young brave  was chosen to be the leader on the night hunts.
Get comfortable in your chair beside the warm crackling campfires and listen to the old stories of creation.
January 29th, Saturday, 6pm-8pm


  • Held outside on the lawn with night sky visible, chairs next to fire pits to keep you warm!
  • Great food & beverages available from Picacho PeakBrewery
  • Native American, Navaho speaker & story teller
  • Located close in at Picacho Peak Brew Company


Picacho Peak Brewing Company